Remore Access Policies - Unspecified Error
(too old to reply)
2009-02-20 17:12:02 UTC
Hi Guys,

I have 2 Windows 2003 IAS Servers.

Server1 acts as the primary IAS Server where all Clients and RAPs are added.
Once new Clients and RAPs are added I then export the config using netsh and
import it into Server2.

Now I have some devices which dont have the option of a Primary and
Secondary RADIUS Server i.e. you can only enter one RADIUS Server into these
devices. It just so happens that the closest RADIUS Server is Server2, so I
need to add these clients and RAPs directly to Server2 (without an
export/import operation from Server1). When I create the RAP on Server2...
and hit finish I get 'An error occured while saving the changes to the
Policy. Unspecified Error'... However when I create the exact same policy on
Server1, it accepts it and works! Nothing is reported in the event logs, so I
am stuck as to how I can troubleshoot this.

Hoping someone can give me some guidance.

2009-03-09 02:34:01 UTC
Hey Guys,

A simple reboot (following a delayed change management process :( resolved
this error) if anyone that is facing the same issue.

Post by lozza
Hi Guys,
I have 2 Windows 2003 IAS Servers.
Server1 acts as the primary IAS Server where all Clients and RAPs are added.
Once new Clients and RAPs are added I then export the config using netsh and
import it into Server2.
Now I have some devices which dont have the option of a Primary and
Secondary RADIUS Server i.e. you can only enter one RADIUS Server into these
devices. It just so happens that the closest RADIUS Server is Server2, so I
need to add these clients and RAPs directly to Server2 (without an
export/import operation from Server1). When I create the RAP on Server2...
and hit finish I get 'An error occured while saving the changes to the
Policy. Unspecified Error'... However when I create the exact same policy on
Server1, it accepts it and works! Nothing is reported in the event logs, so I
am stuck as to how I can troubleshoot this.
Hoping someone can give me some guidance.