Using IAS for aaa with multiple vendors
(too old to reply)
2008-10-28 18:53:03 UTC
We have a mixed Nortel, Cisco and Juniper environment for our switches and
routers. I have gotten both Nortel and Cisco devices to authenticate
correctly to IAS but I am not sure how to have both authenticate to IAS.

One idea is using the Client-IP-Address attribute to be sure each device is
hitting the right policy. This seems very cumbersome to create two policies
(one read and one read/write) for each of hundreds of devices on two IAS
servers (primary and secondary)
-Can multiple IPs be added to one access policy?

Another thought was to use the Client-Vendor attribute.
- Does the Client-Vendor Attribute work reliable to distingish Nortel vs
- Is there a way to add Juniper to the Client-Vendor Attribute?

Another thought was one IAS server per vendor. This would result in either
not have a primary secondary or having 4 enterprise windows license!

Any suggestions welcome.
Is there another way to address this issue?
S. Pidgorny
2008-10-28 20:41:35 UTC
Post by BikeGeek
We have a mixed Nortel, Cisco and Juniper environment for our switches and
routers. I have gotten both Nortel and Cisco devices to authenticate
correctly to IAS but I am not sure how to have both authenticate to IAS.
One idea is using the Client-IP-Address attribute to be sure each device is
hitting the right policy. This seems very cumbersome to create two policies
(one read and one read/write) for each of hundreds of devices on two IAS
servers (primary and secondary)
-Can multiple IPs be added to one access policy?
Another thought was to use the Client-Vendor attribute.
- Does the Client-Vendor Attribute work reliable to distingish Nortel vs
- Is there a way to add Juniper to the Client-Vendor Attribute?
Another thought was one IAS server per vendor. This would result in either
not have a primary secondary or having 4 enterprise windows license!
Any suggestions welcome.
Is there another way to address this issue?
Not sure how reliable the attribute is... Will experiment.

Re. running four instances: Windows Server Enterprise license allows you
to run four instances of the OS as virtual machines so you won't have to
purchase additional licenses if you go virtual
Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MCSE, RHCE
-= F1 is the key =-

* http://sl.mvps.org * http://msmvps.com/blogs/sp *
2008-11-24 06:56:01 UTC
Hi BikeGeek,

I am currently faced with this very issue. Can you let me know how you got
with this? I am really struggling for ideas right now...

Any help would be much appreciated

Post by BikeGeek
We have a mixed Nortel, Cisco and Juniper environment for our switches and
routers. I have gotten both Nortel and Cisco devices to authenticate
correctly to IAS but I am not sure how to have both authenticate to IAS.
One idea is using the Client-IP-Address attribute to be sure each device is
hitting the right policy. This seems very cumbersome to create two policies
(one read and one read/write) for each of hundreds of devices on two IAS
servers (primary and secondary)
-Can multiple IPs be added to one access policy?
Another thought was to use the Client-Vendor attribute.
- Does the Client-Vendor Attribute work reliable to distingish Nortel vs
- Is there a way to add Juniper to the Client-Vendor Attribute?
Another thought was one IAS server per vendor. This would result in either
not have a primary secondary or having 4 enterprise windows license!
Any suggestions welcome.
Is there another way to address this issue?