MS RADIUS server issueing static ip address for the mobile device
(too old to reply)
2008-09-14 21:36:38 UTC
In my application the mobile device will have to connect to the
intranet using a GPRS connection (private APN). The GGSN is acting as
a Radius client and sending a "Radius Access Request" to my MS Radius
Server (IAS). I can see that the server is Authenticating the client
based on correct username and password but the MS Radius server is not
assigning back an Ip-address, and sending back a "Access Response"
without including ip-address to be used by the mobile device

My MS radius experience is limited.

Is there a way to setup a MS RADIUS server in order to make it issue
the static ipaddress for the mobile? Is there
a specific link I can go to for this kind of information?

Thanks in advance

S. Pidgorny <MVP>
2008-09-15 09:16:09 UTC
Your understanding is correct and RADIUS server doesn't issue IP address.

This is a matter of configurin IP pools on the GGSN. Based on user name,
IP address will be allocated; RADIUS will verify identity sparately from
Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MS MVP - Security, MCSE
-= F1 is the key =-

* http://sl.mvps.org * http://msmvps.com/blogs/sp *
Post by l***@gmail.com
In my application the mobile device will have to connect to the
intranet using a GPRS connection (private APN). The GGSN is acting as
a Radius client and sending a "Radius Access Request" to my MS Radius
Server (IAS). I can see that the server is Authenticating the client
based on correct username and password but the MS Radius server is not
assigning back an Ip-address, and sending back a "Access Response"
without including ip-address to be used by the mobile device
My MS radius experience is limited.
Is there a way to setup a MS RADIUS server in order to make it issue
the static ipaddress for the mobile? Is there
a specific link I can go to for this kind of information?
Thanks in advance