How to prevent multiple logins in IAS RADIUS server (2003) ?
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Mostafa Sharaf
2008-06-08 21:07:04 UTC
There are some access points (supporting RADIUS) connected wired to a RADIUS
server (IAS on Windows Server 2003) ,the aim of the RADIUS server is to
authenticate the users .

The system is working properly, and the clients must enter a correct user
name and password in the dialog box appears to them .

The problem is that more than 1 person can use the SAME user name and
password at the same time and connect to the internet because the RADIUS
server just authenticate the users and doesn't prevent the multiple logins,
I've searched the internet but the solutions found are useless because they
prevent multiple logins to the domain itself and they can't be done in my
case because there are no login or logoff process , the RADIUS just
authenticate the users,
Is there any solution please ???
S. Pidgorny <MVP>
2008-06-10 09:36:33 UTC
Cannot. There's a reason: no way you can find if the client disconnected eg
if the authentication request is for reconnection or a second connection.

Of course you can monitor the log for anomalies like geografically disperse
logons - but that's not a built in feature, nor something done out of the
box by any product.
Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MS MVP - Security, MCSE
-= F1 is the key =-

* http://sl.mvps.org * http://msmvps.com/blogs/sp *
Post by Mostafa Sharaf
There are some access points (supporting RADIUS) connected wired to a RADIUS
server (IAS on Windows Server 2003) ,the aim of the RADIUS server is to
authenticate the users .
The system is working properly, and the clients must enter a correct user
name and password in the dialog box appears to them .
The problem is that more than 1 person can use the SAME user name and
password at the same time and connect to the internet because the RADIUS
server just authenticate the users and doesn't prevent the multiple logins,
I've searched the internet but the solutions found are useless because they
prevent multiple logins to the domain itself and they can't be done in my
case because there are no login or logoff process , the RADIUS just
authenticate the users,
Is there any solution please ???