IAS / NPS question
(too old to reply)
Jim Brown
2008-05-27 05:29:36 UTC

in windows 2003 IAS has written information about connections into a

This was done in realtime... so at the moment when IAS has authenticated a
connection a record was written to the IAS-Logfile.

It seems that Windows2008 IAS version (now in NPS) does not write connection
information to a logfile in realtime but it it does cache it somehow and
write it with some delay.

We have written a monitoring software that scans the IAS logfile for changes
in realtime... so we can see changes in connections in realtime.

Now that Win2008 does not update the logfiles immediately our
realtime-scanning software doesnt work anymore.

Is there a change to force IAS2008/NPS to update the logfile without any
delay - like it as with IAS2003 ?

Thank you very much
James McIllece [MS]
2008-06-03 18:02:22 UTC
Post by Jim Brown
in windows 2003 IAS has written information about connections into a
This was done in realtime... so at the moment when IAS has
authenticated a connection a record was written to the IAS-Logfile.
It seems that Windows2008 IAS version (now in NPS) does not write
connection information to a logfile in realtime but it it does cache
it somehow and write it with some delay.
We have written a monitoring software that scans the IAS logfile for
changes in realtime... so we can see changes in connections in
Now that Win2008 does not update the logfiles immediately our
realtime-scanning software doesnt work anymore.
Is there a change to force IAS2008/NPS to update the logfile without
any delay - like it as with IAS2003 ?
Thank you very much
Hi Jim --

I am investigating this with the product team and will post a response
when/if I receive additional information for you.

Thanks --
James McIllece, Microsoft

Please do not send email directly to this alias. This is my online account
name for newsgroup participation only.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
James McIllece [MS]
2008-06-09 18:35:53 UTC
Post by James McIllece [MS]
Post by Jim Brown
in windows 2003 IAS has written information about connections into a
This was done in realtime... so at the moment when IAS has
authenticated a connection a record was written to the IAS-Logfile.
It seems that Windows2008 IAS version (now in NPS) does not write
connection information to a logfile in realtime but it it does cache
it somehow and write it with some delay.
We have written a monitoring software that scans the IAS logfile for
changes in realtime... so we can see changes in connections in
Now that Win2008 does not update the logfiles immediately our
realtime-scanning software doesnt work anymore.
Is there a change to force IAS2008/NPS to update the logfile without
any delay - like it as with IAS2003 ?
Thank you very much
Hi Jim --
I am investigating this with the product team and will post a response
when/if I receive additional information for you.
Thanks --
I investigated this with the product team, and although we can duplicate
your results, it's unclear why this is happening. IAS log-write behavior is
unchanged in NPS. The caching of information might be caused by the
operating system, that's unclear, but it isn't NPS.
James McIllece, Microsoft

Please do not send email directly to this alias. This is my online account
name for newsgroup participation only.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Jim Brown
2008-06-10 19:36:38 UTC
Post by James McIllece [MS]
Post by James McIllece [MS]
Post by Jim Brown
in windows 2003 IAS has written information about connections into a
This was done in realtime... so at the moment when IAS has
authenticated a connection a record was written to the IAS-Logfile.
It seems that Windows2008 IAS version (now in NPS) does not write
connection information to a logfile in realtime but it it does cache
it somehow and write it with some delay.
We have written a monitoring software that scans the IAS logfile for
changes in realtime... so we can see changes in connections in
Now that Win2008 does not update the logfiles immediately our
realtime-scanning software doesnt work anymore.
Is there a change to force IAS2008/NPS to update the logfile without
any delay - like it as with IAS2003 ?
Thank you very much
Hi Jim --
I am investigating this with the product team and will post a response
when/if I receive additional information for you.
Thanks --
I investigated this with the product team, and although we can duplicate
your results, it's unclear why this is happening. IAS log-write behavior is
unchanged in NPS. The caching of information might be caused by the
operating system, that's unclear, but it isn't NPS.
James McIllece, Microsoft
Please do not send email directly to this alias. This is my online account
name for newsgroup participation only.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi James,

thank you for dealing with our Win2008 NPS problem.

I think you are right with your idea that the problem is not within NPS -
but in Windows2008.
(We see the same caching problem with Vista...)

Would you see a chance that Microsoft would add an option to NPS that allows
NPS to update all information immediatelly to the logfiles?
Something like a "disable write cache" feature for NPS?

As a next step we will try to do following:
(But this is not really a user-friendly solution to our customers even if it
works technically.)



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