(too old to reply)
2008-09-26 16:13:54 UTC
The new NAP service on Server 2008, which mode is the equivalent to IAS in
2003? Currently my CISCO VPN users authenticate against a 2003 DC with IAS
and I am trying to set the equivalent on the soon to be 2008 DC....

Thanks - Sam
S. Pidgorny <MVP>
2008-09-26 23:44:14 UTC
Post by Sam
The new NAP service on Server 2008, which mode is the equivalent to IAS in
2003? Currently my CISCO VPN users authenticate against a 2003 DC with IAS
and I am trying to set the equivalent on the soon to be 2008 DC....
That is quite straightforward - just don't use the "RADIUS client is
NAP-capable" option to achieve like-for-like configuration.

Consider upgrading the existing DC to Windows Server 2008 - that way NAP
will pick up the IAS configuration.
Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MS MVP - Security, MCSE
-= F1 is the key =-

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