PEAP user authentication failed - need help
(too old to reply)
2009-02-13 11:12:42 UTC
Hi to everyone in this group. I have a problem and haven' find any
solution to it yet. It would be nice if someone could help me out:

I set up a domain controller (Windows Server 2008), and installed
DHCP, NPS (before known as IAS), AD certificate services and created
my own enterprise root certificate, let's call it ExampleCA. I
registered NPS in AD, and configured 802.1x settings for wireless
connection using wizzard. In network policy, I allowed access to
everyone in newly created WirelessAccess group. I added a computer
named Client1 to this group and newly created user WirelessUser to the
same group. As a RADIUS client, I added a Planet AP.
After that, I set up Client 1 machine (first I used wired connection
to add the computer to the domain I named auth.com, and then logged on
as ***@auth.com....Then in Preffered networks, I added the
network I configured on acces point, using open authentication and wep
encryption...In 802.1x settings I selected PEAP MSCHAPv2, selected
Validate server certificate (I found it on the list - ExampleCA), and
unselected Authenticate as computer when computer information is
available, as well as Authenticate as guest....I also unselected Use
my windows logon...in MSCHAPv2 settings.

Now here is the problem: when I try to authenticate (user
authentication), it NEVER asks me to enter user credentials and there
are never traces of user authentication in log files. And when I
select Authenticate as computer when computer information is
available, authentication succeeds, but in log files there are only
traces of computer authentication, like this:

\CLIENT1$","00304f4c776e","00304f4e3def",,,"Realtek Access Point.
8181","",0,0,"","PLANET",,,19,"CONNECT 11Mbps
802.11b",,2,11,"Secure Wireless Connections",0,"311 1
fe80::9c11:ced0:97f:4d11 02/10/2009 22:33:37 46",,,,"Microsoft:
Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Use
Windows authentication for all users",1,,,,
0,"","PLANET",,,,,1,2,11,"Secure Wireless Connections",
0,"311 1 fe80::9c11:ced0:97f:4d11 02/10/2009 22:33:37
46",,,,"Microsoft: Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP
v2)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"0x0141555448",,,"Use Windows
authentication for all users",1,,,,

Does anyone have a clue what went wrong. In network policy it is said
that every computer or user that is a memeber of WirelessAccess can
access network, if the configuration of the auth method is properly

Also I have a question:
Is it possible that problem is with the certificate (I assumed that,
if the certificate is shown in the field while i configured wireless
client, it is also present in the user certificate store)? Do I have
to do something else with the certificate (via the mmc console) or i
set it up right?
James McIllece [MS]
2009-02-13 20:19:21 UTC
Post by z***@gmail.com
Hi to everyone in this group. I have a problem and haven' find any
Either the network policy used for authentication was the default policy
or the network policy that you created did not match the connection
request, so the connection was authorized with the default policy. Make
sure you move your wireless policy to the top of the list in the NPS
console, that way NPS processes it first -- and make sure it matches the
connection request properties. Also make sure that in Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS), the dial-in properties of the user account are set
to "Control network access through NPS Network Policy," not "Allow Access."

Also ensure that all client computers trust the CA that issued the NPS
server certificate. If they are domain member computers, you can connect
them to the wire and then update group policy; if not, you need to import
the CA cert into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on

Because you can select your server cert while configuring network policy,
you know the cert is properly configured, so don't worry about that.


James McIllece, Microsoft

Please do not send email directly to this alias. This is my online account
name for newsgroup participation only.

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