Windows XP sp3 has discarded by IAS Server
(too old to reply)
Michael chen
2008-09-27 14:41:00 UTC
We have used IAS Server for 802.1x network authentication for two week and it
works fine. Unfortunately, this week, some of windows xp clients are discard
by IAS Server and can't acquire IP address. IAS server events show that the
session timed out. As following :

Access request for user test\wujangxu was discarded.
Fully-Qualified-User-Name = <undetermined>
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = <not present>
Called-Station-Identifier = 00-13-46-38-2F-58
Calling-Station-Identifier = 00-03-25-25-01-07
Client-Friendly-Name = 2C14-OA02 224.45
Client-IP-Address =
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless - IEEE 802.11
NAS-Port = 0
Proxy-Policy-Name = Use Windows authentication for all users
Authentication-Provider = Windows
Authentication-Server = <undetermined>
Reason-Code = 96
Reason = The authentication request was not processed because the session
timed out.

Note: I have keep the session in default value either network switches or
IAS server.

Thanks for anybody help me~!
Michael chen
2008-10-09 07:48:00 UTC
Does nobody can fix this problem ?
i have look up relevant information for a long time on network, but no result.

come on...Microsoft MVP...please help me.!
Post by Michael chen
We have used IAS Server for 802.1x network authentication for two week and it
works fine. Unfortunately, this week, some of windows xp clients are discard
by IAS Server and can't acquire IP address. IAS server events show that the
Access request for user test\wujangxu was discarded.
Fully-Qualified-User-Name = <undetermined>
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = <not present>
Called-Station-Identifier = 00-13-46-38-2F-58
Calling-Station-Identifier = 00-03-25-25-01-07
Client-Friendly-Name = 2C14-OA02 224.45
Client-IP-Address =
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless - IEEE 802.11
NAS-Port = 0
Proxy-Policy-Name = Use Windows authentication for all users
Authentication-Provider = Windows
Authentication-Server = <undetermined>
Reason-Code = 96
Reason = The authentication request was not processed because the session
timed out.
Note: I have keep the session in default value either network switches or
IAS server.
Thanks for anybody help me~!